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Jhonnattan Castro

Jhonnattan Castro

Photo of Jhonnattan Castro

I first learned about drifting as a motorsport completely by chance through online videos. I had heard about it from friends, but kind of stumbled upon it one day. Immediately I was captivated by this amazing motorsports and knew that I wanted to be apart of it. I started saving up all my money with the hopes of building my dream drift car. After a long while, I was able to save enough to buy my first car, a 240sx. I worked on that car day and night because all I wanted to do was drive, every free chance I had I would practice at local events.

After competing locally at an amateur level, I was invited to compete with some famous Japanese drivers. It was then, driving in front of a crowd of over 10,000 people, I knew at that moment, that this was it! Drifting is my life and I was now really chasing my dream.

Ever since that event, I have devoted myself to my passion of drifting. I have now won 4 Dominican Championships and my driving has even taken me across the ocean to the US. From 2012 I've competed professionally in the Formula Drift Series.

I will continue to practice and train until I realize my dreams: To win the Formula Drift Championship in the hopes of inspiring all Hispanics and Latinos around the world to chase their dreams, no matter how big they seem.